Readme First!.txt for the Star Trek shutdown screens:
LOGOS.SYS, LOGOW.SYS Star Trek Shutdown Screens - for MS Windows 95
These shutdown screens were designed (not made) by William Wong, 1998.
1. From Windows Explorer, find your Windows directory (usually c:\windows) and find LogoS.sys and LogoW.sys. These are your original shutdown screens that you see all the time when closing Windows 95.
Note: If you can not find them, go to the VIEW menu and select OPTIONS. Tell the computer to show all the files. You should them see the logo files.
2. If you want to keep these original files for later use, back them up to a different directory or diskette. (You can view them with MSPaint to see what they look like first).
3. Next, YOU SHOULD DELETE THESE FILES (LOGOS.SYS AND LOGOW.SYS) FROM YOUR WINDOWS DIRECTORY! You if you don't, you will have to tell winzip to overwrite them.
4. Find Shutdown.exe, which you downloaded from my web site, and open it. A windows will appear telling you to write in the directory where you want to install the shutdown screens. YOU MUST put in your main hard drive (C:\), then press start. If winzip asks you to overwrite, press yes.
5. You are now finished installing your new shutdown screens!
NOTE: Even though you put C:\ as the directory to install to, no files where put in it except this file. The other files were placed in c:\windows where they belong.
README FIRST!.TXT - This text file
LOGOW.SYS - The shutdown screen that tells you to wait while your
computer shuts down.
LOGOS.SYS - The final screen that says it is safe to shutdown your
NO LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. In no event shall William Wong be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use or inability to use these shutdown screens, even if William Wong has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
NO OTHER WARRANTIES. William Wong disclaims all other warranties, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to this software and/or the DOCUMENTATION.
Please let me know of any suggestions or problems with these screens. You can reach me by e-mailing me at: [email protected]
William Wong
Internet Mail: [email protected]
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